Thursday, September 28, 2017

   UE4 Procedurel  Nature Seasons Pack Vol 2


Global Blueprint:
Globally adjust world settings with simple sliders. Adjust global wind speed, direction, and intensity. Wind, affects foliage, snowfall, and water surfaces across the environment. Adjust the "Snow Coverage" to see falling snow and snow on all of your assets in the scene, as well as ice forming on water and lakes.

Snow build up on assets is globally changed using the Blueprint and Swappable Landscape Materials. Falling Snow FX change with the wind direction and intensity of the Blueprint Settings. Snow uses high-quality subsurface materials, detail maps, and tessellation that can be set on or off for optimization.

Ice is procedurally generated on top of water and lakes in real time! Water can also be set to a translucent or opaque surface. With a blendable shoreline, custom depth, watercolor, and a rippling surface that changes direction with the wind!

Trees + Foliage:
Auto Populating Foliage on Landscape based off of landscape layers and simple settings.
Completely revamped Spline Tree Generator. Customize each branch type individually for more variations. Set master parameters for all branches easily. Use an infinite number of "Random Seeds" to prevent tree branch randomization or choose to randomize every branch automatically. It's even more powerful when you swap your own assets to make any tree you want! Lowpoly Pine Tree AlphaCards are included optimization and vista artwork.

High-quality 4K materials created with ZBrush and substance designer. Material Functions help clean up messy material graphs and make global changes to multiple material types.
Easily export any spline generated models that you create. Simply by selecting the generated meshes and using the export function. This can even be a quick modeling tool!
Technical Details

*This pack is almost 4GB and with all features enabled is recommended for higher-end PCs. The texture sizes are at 4k and material instance features can be enabled or disabled to help optimize the pack and run on a wider variety of machines for your project. All features are recommended for highest quality results*
- Demoscene to show use of assets and placement in a final looking scene
- Overview scene to show again more variations of assets and uses of the blueprints and materials
- Spline Generated trees, branches, roads, and more!
- Auto Populating Landscape Foliage, based on landscape painting and auto foliage settings
- Procedurally Generated Snow Build-up on assets
- Procedural Realtime Ice Formation on water and lakes
- Procedural Water surface with changing ripple direction and intensity based off of wind
- Procedural Falling snow FX with scalable wind speed, direction, and intensity
- Lowpoly Pine Tree Alpha Cards included for environment background
- Terrain blended materials
- Turn tessellation on or off for almost all assets
- Paint foliage in engine with the Unreal foliage tools
- Over 200 Total (UE4 Content Files)
- Over 70 Textures
- Over 60 Materials, Functions, and Parameters
- Over 50 Meshes
- Optimized assets with scaleable quality features inside of the material instances
- All of the necessary assets have LOD's that cut the geo down by at least half at each LOD
- Assets range between (2 Tri's - 220,000 Tris)
- Average Texture size of 4096x4096 with some reaching up to 8k. Feel free to scale these for quality and performance

- Generally include (Albedo Map, Specular, Roughness, AO, and Displacement map)

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                   Evermotion - Archmodels vol. 182
Archmodels vol. 182 is a collection of 56 sets of models of branches, trunks, cones, and stones - over 100 separate models are included (with textures and materials). We also are giving you a complete forest scene (3DS MAX and V-Ray) that you can see in the promotional video below  
The scans were made in the most ecologic region of Poland, the land of the last natural forest in Europe. All items in this collection were carefully scanned in north-European woods. They are perfect as the secondary elements in your visualizations - they will give a natural look and feel to your exterior shots. These items are suitable not only for creating fleece in the forest, they are also perfect for making natural looking surroundings of trees in your visualizations, for example - they can be great to put some variety in the lawn or rock garden.
The scanned models were optimized and Retopologized in Zbrush and provided in the most popular 3d formats: MAX (Scanline, MentalRay, and V-Ray), C4D (Advanced Renderer and V-Ray), FBX and OBJ. The scene was created in 3ds Max and V-Ray.

We also included moss texture maps that you can use with Forest Pack or V-Ray Fur to achieve even greater realism.

Presented models and scenes were rendered in V-ray with 3ds Max.
Browse PDF catalog
We also are giving you a complete forest scene (3DS MAX and V-Ray)
obj - simple object without textures and materials (with mapping included)
fix - simple object without materials (with mapping and textures included)
*.max - 2011 or higher
Cinema 4D - R17
Mental Ray *.max - with textures and shaders
V-Ray *.max - 3.0 or higher
Advanced Render *.c4d

VRAYforC4D - 3.4

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Friday, September 22, 2017

                                   SIGERSHADERS Corona Material                                        

SIGERSHADERS Corona Material Presets Pro | Max

Version: 2.1.5

The Siger Studio’s SIGERSHADERS Corona Material Presets Pro is a Plugin – powerful material collection for Autodesk® 3ds Max® and Corona Renderer® engine + User Library material lab/manager.
The collection consists different categories of materials: Metal, Ceramic, Leather, Stone, Concrete, Glass, etc… The list of materials permanently grows.

Key Features

905 Corona material presets and templates.
User Material Library manager – fast material management.
Assign materials to single/multiple selected objects/groups directly.
Assign to material editor active (selected) slots.
Render material preview (single/category).
Material Lab.
High-resolution seamless textures (4K and up).
Real-World Scale materials.
The list of content grows permanently.
Friendly and simple interface.
Useful for Corona Renderer newbies, average and power users.

Version Requirement:-

The product is compatible with 3ds Max 2013 – 2018 | Corona Renderer 1.5 and above | 64 bit.

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How to install Phoenix FD 3.0

                        Phoenix FD 3.0 For 3ds Max, Maya

Phoenix FD 3 for 3ds Max is now available. Phoenix FD for 3ds Max has been given a full makeover, with new intuitive controls, presets and GPU-accelerated previews, making it a fast and easy way to tackle tight deadlines. With its new FLIP liquid solver and improved smoke and fire solver, Phoenix FD is now more powerful and able to bring more realism to visual effects projects.

Phoenix FD 3 is a free upgrade for Phoenix FD 2 customers. Plus, there’s a limited time bundle offer of V-Ray and Phoenix FD for 3ds Max


Phoenix FD is an all-in one solution for fluid dynamics. Simulate fire, smoke, liquids, ocean waves, splashes, spray, mist and more.


Built for 3D artists who want to create dynamic FX using quick presets, fast setup and intuitive controls.


Preview and render interactively in the viewport. Adjust simulations on the fly.


Create all types of physically-based fluid effects with fast, flexible controls for rendering, retiming and refining simulations.


Integrated seamlessly into 3ds Max and optimized to render with V-Ray.


Compatible with top industry tools such as Alembic, Krakatoa, Stoke MX and OpenVDB.

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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

                          Unreal Smoke Builder



Designed as a modular effect library, easily combine and modify new custom smoke effects. All effects are created at 2048x2048 resolution in HDR format. By using the HDR image format, the effects are more crisp and detailed than ever before. 

Support Links: 

Training Videos 
Discord Chat
Technical Details

48 Flipbook Materials & Textures 
64 Particle Emitters 
1 Content Demo Room 

Engine Compatibility: 4.15, 4.16, 4.17

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Friday, September 15, 2017

keyshot 7 installation guide

                                             KeyShot 7

is focused on bringing more ways to create with the new KeyShot Configurator, Studios, and real-time VR support. Users have more material possibilities with new material types and texture mapping, multi-materials and enhanced procedurals. With more lighting control KeyShot 7 now features Environment lists, HDR output and a new integrated HDRI Editor with interactive Sun & Sky. With more flexibility, users now have UI, workspace, and hotkey customization. And more real-time speed is provided in new workflow capabilities featuring a completely new sampling method, re-tessellation, adaptive performance mode, eight new render passes and more output capabilities to create renderings, animations, and interactive visuals faster than ever before.


Link For students and 3d artist

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Polygon cruncher 11 guide

Polygon cruncher is a 3D computer graphics software for generating a 3D-optimized mesh, based on reduction and other optimization techniques. Polygon Cruncher is also available 

Polygon Cruncher software is running on Windows operating system. It is available as a plugin for:
Autodesk 3ds Max
Autodesk Maya
Newtek Lightwave
In the 3D Photo Browser, Polygon Cruncher is able to simplify various 3D formats such Maya, Wavefront, Truespace, Sketchup, XSI, Collada, DXF...
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Link for students and 3d artist.

Forest Pack 5.2 installation guide.

What is Forest Pack?

Forest Pack is the world’s most popular scattering plugin for 3ds Max®. It provides a complete solution for creating vast areas of objects, from trees and plants to buildings, crowds, aggregates, ground-cover, rocks and more. If you can model it, Forest Pack can scatter it.
Countless studios rely on Forest Pack ’s production-tested algorithms and native shaders to render scenes with virtually unlimited numbers of objects and polygons, all without putting a strain on computer resources.
Simulate natural distribution patterns and get the most out of your assets using advanced mapping and randomization
 tools, or fine-tune your scatter with granular control over every aspect of the plugin.
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Link For Student and 3d artist:-
Server fixer:-

How to install vray 3.5 in 3ds max (vray install Guide )

V-Ray 3.5 for 3ds Max is here, and it’s fast. Our new Adaptive Lights algorithm speeds renders up to seven times faster on some scenes. If you’re a V-Ray 3.x customer, this update is free and available now.

Other must-have features include:
  • Interactive Production Rendering - Fully interactive production rendering with immediate feedback.
  • V-Ray Scene node – Import and render complete scene files created in any V-Ray application.
  • Live VR Rendering - Render directly to Oculus Rift or HTC Vive with full GPU acceleration.

Deformation cleaner v 1.0

Deformation Cleaner is a modifier for 3ds Max that smooths arbitrary deformations of a model without smoothing the original detail. It can be used as a fast post correction step on top of any deformation.
Here are some of the benefits you get:

Improve rig deformations.
Achieve better deformations easier and faster.
Simplify your rigging and skinning workflow.
Easily remove mesh stretching.
Situations in which you would want to use Deformation Cleaner:

When you want to animate an model.
When you want to build morph targets.
When you want to make broad changes to a model.
When you quickly and easily want to get good deformations.
When you want to clean up muscle simulations.
When you have a Skin, Morpher, Cloth, Jiggle, Tension Morpher or any other modifier that

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this is Link For student and 3d artist for learning purpose not for commercial use. If  you use to commercial so please buy it.

Thanks  mariussilaghi

3ds max 2009 to 2016
3ds max2017

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