Tuesday, May 29, 2018

MaxToA 2.0.930

Launched at SIGGRAPH 2016 and now with Arnold 5.0, Arnold for 3ds Max (or MAXtoA) is bundled standard with 3ds Max 2018, providing a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard 3ds Max interface.


Integration with 3ds Max shapes, cameras, lights and shaders.
Image Based Lighting support, including a state of the art physical sky.
3ds Max ActiveShade interactive rendering allows parameter changes to be rapidly previewed without interrupting your work.
Support for AOVs & Deep EXR files.
Defer the creation of geometry at render time with the Procedural placeholder nodes.
Texturable Mesh lights.
3rd Party Arnold shader support.
MAXtoA Cloud Rendering for stills and animations. Users can join the optional Autodesk ‘Render Pilot’ program, which now supports MAXtoA.

The Arnold for 3ds Max plug-in is provided free-of-charge with a license  when rendering within an interactive 3ds Max session.  If you want to use network rendering additional licenses of Arnold core renderer will be required. Click here for more information on pricing.


Whether you are new to Arnold or not, the Arnold for 3ds Max documentation should answer most of your questions.


Arnold for 3ds Max is available from the downloads page.


You should be able to find the answer to most questions on support.solidangle.com in the documentation or support blog. Customers with a current maintenance and support contract can also email support@solidangle.com.

Requirements & Platforms
Compatible with Max 2018
Windows 7 and later
CPU with at least SSE 4.1

Link: http://zipansion.com/19HAh
video tutorial
                                   Evermotion Archexteriors vol. 21

Archexteriors vol. 21 includes 10 fully textured exterior scenes of exclusive residential houses. Every scene is ready to render with professional shaders and lighting.

All scenes are prepared for V-ray 3.0 with 3dsmax 2011 (or higher). Scenes are also compatible with V-ray 2.0, for more info please contact us at info@evermotion.org.
All presented renders are with postproduction. PSD files are included.
Recommended system specification: Quad Core PC with 16GB of ram and 64bit system

*max - 2011 or higher
V-Ray *.max - 3.0 or higher


Links: http://zipansion.com/17ADH

Sunday, May 27, 2018

                  KITBASH3D – NEO TOKYO

Create skyscrapers and mega-structures that tower over civilization and echo the philosophies of future generations focused on maximum space and energy efficiency. Whether you’re designing for film or video games, anime or manga, this kit will take you into the not-so-distant future of a 2020 Japan Olympics or far beyond your wildest imaginations with a vertical city mimicking organic biological growth as it extends further and further towards the sky. 3D Models by Joshua Cotter and Cover Art by Maxx Burman

File Formats Include: .MA | .OBJ | .FBX
Total Poly Count: 2.1 Million

Uved and Textured

Buy Now:- https://kitbash3d.com/products/tokyo

Link:-  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wlu_l6fKybLaA3gCYc3jtJQzneB8eQ4Q

Monday, May 21, 2018

                                   Motion Designer Lighting Kit Pro

The all in one solution for Motion Designers

The Motion Designers Lighting Kit Pro was designed to truly speed up your workflow, and suppress the need of adding keyframes to create loopable animations. Fully customizable motion and lighting controls, with versatile settings and easy to use.

Everything you wish your lights could do, now can!

MDL Kit .lib4d for Cinema4D R18
MDL Kit .lib4d for Cinema4D R19
Fully customizable light, with versatile controls at hand.
Preset library
LightBox options
Loopable motions (position, rotation, scaling)
1 click Flickering effect
Sound-driven lighting (R19)
Add custom objects to the motion rig
No keyframes needed

This Lighting Kit was made for Cinema4D and Octane 3.08

Buy Now:-  https://www.tfmstyle.com/mdlkit/

Link:- http://zipansion.com/sTwo

Sunday, May 20, 2018


Create the manufacturing hubs and low-rise cities adorned with billowing smoke from the brick factories that characterized Europe or America during the turn of the Industrial Revolution. This kit will provide you with all sizes of factories, railways, cranes, and smokestacks that define any 18th or 19th-century environment dominated by mass production, steam power, and human innovation! Modeling by Mihailo Radosevic, Cover art by Steven Cormann.

Home Page: _http://kitbash3d.com/products/industrial

Link-:  http://zipansion.com/qYEX

Follow CG-HELP on Dailymotion,com

Friday, May 18, 2018

ZIVA DYNAMICS ZIVA VFX 1.3 FOR MAYA                                 2014-2018 WIN

With soft tissue sitting on top of anatomical muscle groups, everything looks right. Muscles preserve volume under force and collision, while tissue bends, stretches, creases and jiggles with physics-informed realism.
Director feedback at the 11th hour? No problem.
With ZIVA VFX, character alterations can be applied retroactively at nearly anytime.

Adapting the underlying anatomy of your characters will let you react quickly to all feedback during any step of your creative process.

Add a physical-correction on top of any existing character rig with our goaling attachment. This lightweight approach corrects unwanted stretch and adds contacts and plausible secondary motion.
Create rudimentary characters easily with a single volume on top of a skeleton. This approach is ideal for feature animation – capturing the bulk, volume, and secondary dynamics of a character.

Correct hand pronation-supination
Correct neck shape with precise neck muscle movement
Correct upper-body rigidity under twisting
Correct thigh skin shape due to quadriceps muscle excitation
Add life-like belly fat secondary motion (inertia and gravity)
Correct elbow self-collisions

Buy Now-:  https://store.zivadynamics.com/

Link:- http://zipansion.com/mXFN
       CHAOS GROUP VRAY V3.6.003 & PHOENIX FD V3.0.500                                        FOR MAYA 2018

V-Ray 3.6 for Maya brings faster rendering, more responsive look development, and added realism to high-end VFX and animation projects. This update includes major GPU rendering improvements and support for a wider range of product features. This 60-minute webinar will include Q&A.

Production-proven ray traced rendering with a full suite of tools to create professional photoreal imagery and animations.

Built to handle the absolute toughest projects and largest scenes.

Multicore CPU and GPU-accelerated rendering engines for optimized speed and scalability.

Real-time look development with interactive lighting, shading and rendering.

Integrated seamlessly into Maya and designed to fit any production pipeline.


Top artists and studios rely on V-Ray for Maya to create award-winning animation & visual effects.

Buy Now:-  Vray:-   https://www.chaosgroup.com/vray/maya

Links:- http://zipansion.com/kb04

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

                     Thinkbox FrostMX 2.1.0

FROST is a superfast particle mesher which can generate a single mesh from particles, vertex clouds, object positions and point data files using various iso-surface and geometry cloning techniques.

Frost takes full advantage of multi-core processors to produce polygon meshes from millions of points in a matter of seconds without excessive memory usage.

Back in July - CG Press revealed an awesome preview of Frost MX 2.0 creating V-Ray instances of a Sequoia XMesh. Today we are delighted to announce the full availability of Frost MX 2.0 and the beta for Frost MY 2.0 for Autodesk® Maya.

A go-to tool for meshing particles and fluid simulations for many artists, Frost MX 2.0 nearly doubles the performance of previous releases, integrates more deeply with Chaos Group’s V-Ray and introduces new workflow improvements for greater ease of use. 

 With up to twice the speed in particle meshing modes, Frost MX 2.0 allows artists to increase productivity and complete jobs more quickly. Its integration with V-Ray v3.1 and higher enables customizable particle scattering for distributing and rendering millions of mesh instances in Custom Geometry meshing mode. The new V-Ray Instancing mode leverages dynamic memory allocation to render millions of high-resolution meshes with very low memory overhead. Frost MX 2.0 continues to support all Custom Geometry features in V-Ray Instancing mode, including particle channel propagation, material and shape ID controls, animation timing offsets and motion blur from particle velocity. Coupled with the advanced particle generation and Magma data channel manipulation capabilities offered by Thinkbox’s Krakatoa MX, which is available at no extra cost via the License-Free mode, the V-Ray Instancing feature offers a whole new world of power and flexibility to Frost users. 
Additionally, the new Region of Interest option in Frost MX 2.0 lets users easily define a custom bounding box region that can be applied to Viewport meshing for faster previews while adjusting settings of complex particle data sets, to remove unwanted areas in Render-time meshing, or both. A dedicated Frost menu bar has been added to 3ds Max’s main menu for faster access to major features such as creating Frost objects, auto-adding new sources to a Frost object, accessing the Log window, and mass-changing the meshing mode of selected Frost objects.

Frost MX 2.0 is available for 64-bit versions of 3ds Max from 2012 to 2017, and requires an updated license. To request an evaluation, purchase a new license or renew an existing one, please visit: www.thinkboxsoftware.com/sales.

For beta access to Frost MY 2.0, please contact beta@thinkboxsoftware.com.

Link-  http://zipansion.com/iTWL

Follow:-  CG-HELP on Dailymotion.com for new CG software installation guide and news.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Interior Accessories Vol 1 is a collection of high-quality 3D interior accessories model. This collection includes 20 sets of accessories models.
The furniture models does not contain the preview scene and lights settings, all models in this product rendered with wireframe, please check wireframe image.

Formats: MAX
Software | Plugin: 3Ds max 2012 or above
Renderers: Corona 1.6 | V-Ray 3.2 or above
Textures: Yes
Materials: Yes
UVW Mapped: Yes
Full Scenes with lights: No
Buy Now:- $125
Catalog:- http://zipansion.com/gUqj
Link:-      http://zipansion.com/gV83

Monday, May 14, 2018

HDRI LIGHT STUDIO 5.5 Carbon Editon.


HDR Light Studio: The fastest way to perfect lighting

HDR Light Studio software provides 3D artists with a new way to light 3D imagery. Paint your shot with lights. The lighting process is now easy, fast, precise, creative and enjoyable. HDR Light Studio builds lighting that is used by your existing 3D software and renderer. By adding HDR Light Studio, 3D artists become more productive and image quality improves.
HDR Light Studio - Carbon
This new major release of HDR Light Studio is called Carbon – the element used in the filament of the first commercially available light bulbs.
Version numbers have now been replaced with nicknames.

Interactive Image Based Lighting
The dynamic HDRI environment map is updated in real-time as lights are added and adjusted, as is the Render View that is lit by it.
HDRI Area Lights
HDR Light Studio can also create and control 3D Area Lights / Emitters inside your 3D software.
These are positioned with the same intuitive interface, clicking and dragging on the 3D model.

Connect HDR Light Studio with your 3D software and Renderer. Lighting is built and updated live within your 3D software as you light with HDR Light Studio.

If you like this software please support dev.

Link:- http://zipansion.com/eXss
Tutorial link-  http://dai.ly/x6h0ltt

RayFire 1.82 Install in 3ds max 2019

Bullet and Nvidia PhysX support via RayFire user interface allows You to create Rigid Body simulations, affect on objects during simulatio...